by Co-Founder/Pastor Samuel Saibu

My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD;
in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.
Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
As a believer of Jesus Christ, a child of God in deed, you are not to take your word and life lightly. You have the undefeatable power of God within you. Your words bear unthinkable power and authority that impacts your life, and everything around you whether you believe it or not. If you believe that you were made in the image and the likeness of God, then you need to take your words seriously. The words from your mouth can work for you and against you: it all depends on how you use them.(James 3:6,8b) There is power in your word.
Here is how to harness the power of your word to move your life forward. Job 22:28 confirms that your utterance gives life to your heart desires, and John 1:12 says you possess the power as of the son of God. Hence- everything about you is powerful, including any word you declare.
Now, Begin to recite this “ Daily declaration “ daily before you start your day, and see your life sprint forward in an unprecedented way to the glory of God.
Psalm 5:3 KJV
Almighty God, my voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. (Psalm 5:3) I confess that you are my glory and the lifter of my head. l acknowledge you, l sanctify you and honor you on this day as my God, my Lord, and my father: you are my light and my strength, l ask that you make me strong in you on this day, and increase your might within me in the name of Jesus. I ask that you surround my household and I with your impenetrable edge of fire in the name of Jesus Christ. Let everything that constitutes my life be covered with the blood of Jesus Christ. Lord, assign your Angels with the flaming sword to accompany me everywhere I go to discomfit all my enemies in the name of Jesus Christ.
Also, I put on the whole divine armor of God for my protection against the wiles of the devil and his cohorts in the name of Jesus:
My loins is belted with truth, righteousness is my breastplate, gospel of peace is my boot; faith in Christ Jesus is my overall shield as I go forth on this day in the name of Jesus. I shall defeat every power that set out to defeat me in the name of Jesus, l shall overcome every situation, circumstances that have been engineered to overwhelm and overcome me in the name of Jesus. l shall conquer every power, and subdue every force on assignment to conquer and overthrow my life in the name of Jesus.
By the authority given to me in Genesis 1:6, and Luke 10:19, I take authority in the name of Jesus Christ over the combined efforts of principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world; and all the spiritual wickedness in high places in the name of Jesus. With the authority in the name of Jesus, l declare all their wiles and craftiness targeted against me harmless and worthless in the name of Jesus.
I decree that all their demonic manipulations targeted against me to be neutralized in the name of Jesus, l decree that all their satanic sacrifices, and oblations be as things of nought; and all their incantation, chanting and invocational rituals be neutralized in the name of Jesus; FatherGod, let every evil speculations and expectation concerning me and all that pertains to me be frustrated in the name of Jesus.
On this day, the Lord God Almighty will go before me with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind , to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire against those who positioned themselves against my peace, progress and prosperity in any ramification of my life in the name of Jesus. For by fire and by his sword shall the Lord plead my course with all my adversaries in the name of Jesus.-Isaiah 66:16.
On this day, the Lord's good hands shall be upon me, and His glory shall radiate upon me in the name of Jesus. As the Sun rises above all the hills, the mountains and the oceans, so shall I rise above all my adversaries, and every obstacle of my life in the name of Jesus. As I shall open my eyes to see the light of this day, l shall behold the new glory of God. His shekinah glory shall be evidence in my life, and all around me in the name of Jesus.
I shall go out on this day with joy, and be led about with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing at my sight, and the trees of the field shall clap their hands at my presence-Isaiah 55:12, the hearts of all that see me or meet with me shall be gladden in the name of Jesus. People of all nations, kings, queens and men of great significance shall come to my assistance unrestricted in the name of Jesus.
Unsolicited favors shall be extended unto me, and tangible valuable presents shall ceaselessly flow into my life from all corners of the world in the name of Jesus. The sons of strangers shall build my walls, and their kings shall minister unto me -Isaiah 60:10a, I shall enjoy the milk and honey of the nations, those who hate me shall come bowing before me and acknowledge that my God is real in deed and praise the Holy name of Jesus Christ for his goodness in my life, in the name of Jesus It shall be so: all these decrees shall come to pass, manifest, confirmed, and acknowledged to the glory of the father, the Son and the Holy Ghost in my life, in Jesus name.
Pray these three prayer points along with other prayers you might want to add to conclude your daily prophetic declarations.
Extra prayers
Father, rescue all my relatives, friends and associates in direct or indirect satanic employment against my life from the hands of Satan, and frustrate all their craftiness against me. Restore back the reasoning of those who are being manipulated against me, grant them divine understanding that they are under bewitchment, and deliver them from Satanic beguilement in the name of Jesus
Almighty God, incapacitate every Satanic agent assigned to snuff out my spiritual fire in order to weaken my prayer potency, and decommissioned all their designs against both my physical and spiritual health in the name of Jesus.
Heavenly Father, divinely restrain me from sinning against you, and from straying away from your presence all the days of my life in the name of Jesus.
May almighty God hear, and honor your declarations and your prayers: grant you peace and victory in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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